Lawyers within the field
The advice we provide our clients with is characterised by in-depth commercial insight and understanding of the challenges faced by any type of company, acting either as supplier or as customer, and on which challenges any company must focus in order to protect its rights, including i.a. the protection of intellectual property rights and correct processing of personal data.
1 | Supply agreements |
2 | Development agreements |
3 | License agreements |
4 | Terms of sale and delivery |
Intellectual property rights
1 | Copyright |
2 | Knowhow/business secrets |
3 | Trademark law |
Personal data
1 | Policies on processing of personal data |
2 | GDPR due diligence |
1 | KYC |
2 | Money laundering |
3 | Ownership structures |
Lawyers within the field
Vores rådgivning er kendetegnet ved kommerciel indsigt og forståelse for de udfordringer enhver virksomhed – både som leverandør og som kunde – står overfor, og skal have fokus på, for at beskytte sine rettigheder, herunder ikke mindst beskyttelsen af immaterielle rettigheder og en korrekt håndtering af persondata.
1 | Leveranceaftaler |
2 | Udviklingsaftaler |
3 | Licensaftaler |
4 | Salgs- og leveringsbetingelser |
1 | Ophavsret |
2 | Forretningshemmeligheder |
3 | Varemærkeret |
1 | Persondataretlige politikker |
2 | GDPR due diligence |
1 | KYC |
2 | Hvidvask |
3 | Ejerstrukturer |
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