
Areas of expertise

EASYTRANSLATE A/S acquires 100% of the shares in WORLD TRANSLATION A/S.
EasyTranslate A/S, a leading Danish translation agency based on HumanAI, has acquired World Translation A/S, a recognized professional translation agency located in Tilst.

EasyTranslate simplifies the translation process by combining artificial and human intelligence. By purchasing World Translation, EasyTranslate combines their existing professional qualifications within HumanAI-based translations and proofreading with the acknowledged, dedicated and highly skilled translators from World Translation.

DANDERS & MORE advised EasyTranslate in connection with the transaction.
DANDERS & MORE are proud to have acted as legal advisers to the sellers in connection with the sale of the majority in Nordic Beauty Company to the Dutch Dayes Group B.V.
Nordic Beauty Company distributes beauty products and products within personal care on the Nordic market in particular, and during the last couple of years, the company has experienced amazing growth and entered new markets.

The Dayes group is a large European wholesaler within i.a. beauty and personal care, and the future development of Nordic Beauty Company is therefore in safe hands.

In particular, we would like to congratulate Peter Barsberg, Henrik Bo Jacobsen and Ismail Ciftci on the sale – and at the same time wish Peter the best of luck as he continues being an active co-owner and significant part of Nordic Beauty Company and the current CFO, Morten Svendsen, who will also become owner in connection with the sale.

We would also like to thank Clearwater International Denmark, headed by Andreas Lauth Lauridsen and Kasper Hedegaard, who acted as financial advisers to the seller, as well as Morten Schwensen from Baker Tilly. Also, we had a very good cooperation with Dayes and their legal advisers from Dahl Advokatpartnerselskab.

Congratulations to everyone and the best of luck going forward.

The DANDERS & MORE transactions team was headed by Claus Abildstrøm, Mikkel Leth Petersen og Lasse Deenhardt.
The majority of Triple Trading has been sold, and DANDERS & MORE has had the pleasure of acting as legal advisers to the sell-side.
Triple Trading was established in 2018 and has since then expanded significantly selling tailormade packaging solutions to the Danish market in particular.

The purchaser is a Danish company indirectly owned by NoHo Partners PLCE – a leading player within the restaurant industry in Europe.

DANDERS & MORE – headed by Claus Abildstrøm and Lasse Deenhardt – have assisted the sellers in the organisation of the sale, the due diligence process etc. leading up to the execution of the sale. We are proud to have contributed to the facilitation of this interesting business development.

A huge and very well-deserved congratulations to Thomas Stieler Stine Gottschalck og Thomas Rytter Gottschalck in taking this important step, and a very large thank you to all involved parties for the cooperation during the entire process, including the cooperation with the purchaser represented by Lundgrens. Moreover, we would like to say thank you for the cooperation with chairman of the board Kåre Bo Jacobsen and Morten Svendsen, and we look very much forward to continuing the exciting cooperation with Triple Trading.

Lawyers within the field

Claus Abildstrøm

+45 40 11 91 21

Philip Nyholm

+45 20 11 89 10

Mikkel Leth Petersen

+45 51 92 90 09

Lasse Deenhardt

+45 26 24 56 26

We act as collaborative partner and we provide advice to Danish and international clients in connection with

1Sale and purchase of companies and activities
2Sale and purchase of properties/property companies
3Advice in connection with stock exchange matters, issue of shares and drafting of prospectus
4Advice in relation to private equity
5Processes of restructuring and corporate succession
The advice we provide to our clients will always be focused on planning and optimizing the transaction and the process from beginning to end and will also include the due diligence process and drafting of all required documentation, in order to ensure the optimum agreement is achieved for our clients. In connection with M&A processes, both parties need legal advice with commercial understanding, as well as assistance in connection with project management and planning of the process.

Over the years, we have built a reputation of being innovative and professional M&A advisers to a variety of clients, from multinational and listed companies over small and medium-sized Danish companies to private individuals.

We are not only lawyers. We are also trusted business advisers, who assist our clients in closing and handling complex transactions.
You can follow the footsteps of others or you can leave your own footprints when you enter new territories as the first. At DANDERS & MORE, we constantly seek new ways of business together with our clients, and adapt our legal skills to match the commercial targets of each individual client.

Lawyers within the field

Claus Abildstrøm

+45 40 11 91 21

Philip Nyholm

+45 20 11 89 10

Mikkel Leth Petersen

+45 51 92 90 09

Vi fungerer som sparringspartner, og vi rådgiver både danske og udenlandske klienter i forbindelse med

1 Køb og salg af virksomheder samt aktiviteter
2 Køb og salg af ejendomme/ejendomsselskaber
3 Rådgivning i forbindelse med børsforhold
4 Rådgivning i forbindelse med kapitalfremskaffelse
5 Restruktureringer og generationsskifter

Rådgivningen har altid som fokus at tilrettelægge og optimere transaktionen og processen fra start til slut og omfatter tillige due diligence og udarbejdelse af den nødvendige dokumentation for at sikre den optimale aftale for vores klienter. Parterne i en virksomhedsoverdragelse har brug for juridisk rådgivning med kommerciel forståelse og bistand til projektledelse og planlægning af processen.

Vi har over tid oparbejdet et ry som en innovativ og professionel M&A rådgiver hos en meget bred vifte af klienter, fra multinationale og børsnoterede selskaber over mindre og mellemstore danske virksomheder til enkeltpersoner.

Vi er ikke kun advokater, men også betroede forretningsrådgivere, som bistår klienterne med at lukke aftaler og håndtere komplekse transaktioner.

Man kan følge i andres fodspor, eller man kan træde sine egne og gå først ind i nye territorier. Hos Danders & More søger vi konstant nye forretningsveje i samarbejde med vores klienter – og tilpasser vores juridiske færdigheder til klientens forretningsmål.

Lawyers within the field

Claus Abildstrøm

+45 40 11 91 21

Philip Nyholm

+45 20 11 89 10

Sandra Bagger

+45 60 11 74 04

Danders & More has extensive experience within sale and purchase of real estate, as well as within the areas of construction law, project development and lease/tenancy issues.

We handle all aspects in relation to transactions involving real estate and contract work. Our wide expertise covers both the planning and the preparation of the transaction, the due diligence process and drafting of all contract documentation. As regards contract work, we ensure the best possible terms of contract for both the developer, the contractor and the advisers – always choosing a pragmatic approach with a view to preventing future, unnecessary disputes. We also provide advice in connection with commercial leases and residential lease law.

Lawyers within the field

Claus Abildstrøm

+45 40 11 91 21

Philip Nyholm

+45 20 11 89 10

Sandra Bagger

+45 60 11 74 04

Danders & More er specialister med solid og prøvet erfaring inden for køb og salg af ejendom samt entreprise, projektudvikling og lejeforhold

Danders & More varetager alle aspekter inden for handler og transaktioner med ejendomme og entrepriser. Det omfatter både tilrettelæggelse af en transaktion, due diligence samt al aftaledokumentation. I entrepriseforhold sikrer vi bygherre, entreprenør eller rådgiver bedst mulige vilkår med en pragmatisk tilgang, der skal afskære senere, unødige tvister. Vi rådgiver endvidere om erhvervslejeforhold og boliglejeret.

Lawyers within the field

Claus Abildstrøm

+45 40 11 91 21

Philip Nyholm

+45 20 11 89 10

Mikkel Leth Petersen

+45 51 92 90 09

Lasse Deenhardt

+45 26 24 56 26

Danders & More can provide expertise within a wide range of commercial areas, emphasis being mainly on corporate and commercial and contractual matters.

We have a great deal of knowledge and experience in negotiating, drafting and interpreting commercial contracts, as well as in providing strategic advice in that respect. We handle large, complex projects as well as general day-to-day advice.


1Shareholders’ agreements
2Share transfer agreements
3Investment agreements
4Choosing the right corporate form
5Mergers and demergers
Capital issues


1Financial contracts
2Cooperation and service agreements
3Development agreements
4Business terms and terms of sale and delivery
5Non-disclosure agreements
6Distribution agreements and agency agreements
7Franchise agreements and joint ventures
8Agreements and disputes in relation to sports

Lawyers within the field

Claus Abildstrøm

+45 40 11 91 21

Philip Nyholm

+45 20 11 89 10

Mikkel Leth Petersen

+45 51 92 90 09

Amalie Victoria Wex

Danders & More har ekspertise inden for en lang række kommercielle områder, med hovedvægt på selskabsretlige og kontraktretlige forhold

Vi har stor viden om og praktisk erfaring med forhandling, udarbejdelse og fortolkning af kommercielle kontrakter samt strategisk rådgivning i forbindelse hermed, og vi håndterer såvel store, komplekse projekter som løbende daglig rådgivning.


1Finansielle kontrakter
2Samarbejds- og serviceaftaler
4Forretnings- og leveringsbetingelser
6Distributør og handelsagentaftaler
7Franchiseaftaler og joint ventures
8Sportsretlige aftaler og tvister


4Valg af selskabsform
5Fusioner, spaltning, kapitalforhold

Lawyers within the field

Amalie Victoria Wex

+45 81 88 53 86

The advice we provide our clients with is characterised by in-depth commercial insight and understanding of the challenges faced by any type of company, acting either as supplier or as customer, and on which challenges any company must focus in order to protect its rights, including i.a. the protection of intellectual property rights and correct processing of personal data.


1 Supply agreements
2 Development agreements
3 License agreements
4 Terms of sale and delivery

Intellectual property rights

1 Copyright
2 Knowhow/business secrets
3 Trademark law

Personal data

1 Policies on processing of personal data
2 GDPR due diligence


2 Money laundering
3 Ownership structures

Lawyers within the field

Amalie Victoria Wex

+45 81 88 53 86

Vores rådgivning er kendetegnet ved kommerciel indsigt og forståelse for de udfordringer enhver virksomhed – både som leverandør og som kunde – står overfor, og skal have fokus på, for at beskytte sine rettigheder, herunder ikke mindst beskyttelsen af immaterielle rettigheder og en korrekt håndtering af persondata.


4Salgs- og leveringsbetingelser




1 Persondataretlige politikker
2 GDPR due diligence


2 Hvidvask
3 Ejerstrukturer

Lawyers within the field

Mikkel Leth Petersen

+45 51 92 90 09

In our opinion, good legal advice is rooted in profound commercial understanding and broad global perspective.

Advice in relation to employment law provided by DANDERS & MORE includes both drafting of contracts, bonus agreements or other types of agreements of remuneration, such as incentive schemes, agreements on options, warrants or phantom shares. We handle notices of termination, dismissals and severance agreements for both employers and employees. Dealing with both sides of the matter on a daily basis is a great advantage and in particular, it gives a very good idea on how to navigate in the extensive set of statutory rules.


Sometimes, it is not possible to settle employment disputes out of court, and the matter ends in court or before a tribunal. Therefore, it can end up being rather expensive to make the wrong decisions in relation to an employment matter, which is why we will be there to assist throughout the entire process, discussing the strategic considerations and the general possibilities. Such advice is of great importance to our clients – both financially, and as a matter of principle.

Lawyers within the field

Mikkel Leth Petersen

+45 51 92 90 09

Amalie Victoria Wex

Hos os er juridisk rådgivning baseret på forretningsforståelse og globalt udsyn.

Den ansættelsesretlige rådgivning hos Danders & More favner både udformning af kontrakter, bonusaftaler eller andre honoreringsordninger, såsom incitamentsaftaler, optionsaftaler, warrants eller fantomaktier. Vi håndterer opsigelser og fratrædelsesaftaler for både virksomheder og ansatte. At være i daglig contact med både arbejdsgivere og ansatte giver en væsentlig fordel og ikke mindst en særdeles god fornemmelse af, hvordan man navigerer sikkert igennem reglerne.

Ansættelsesretlige tvister


Ansættelsesretlige sager ender nogle gange ved nævn eller domstole, når forlig ikke har været en mulighed. Det kan være dyrt at træde skævt i ansættelsesretlig sammenhæng, og vi bistår ved at håndtere processen og de strategiske overvejelser i forbindelse med ansættelsesretlige tvister, der både har økonomisk, men ofte også særdeles principiel betydning for vore klienter.

Lawyers within the field

Sandra Bagger

+45 60 11 74 04

Lasse Deenhardt

+45 26 24 56 26

We have many years of experience in handling legal proceedings and disputes before the Danish courts, arbitration tribunals and in connection with judicial mediation

We will make sure that every client feels secure, confident and fully informed of the various measures taken in the process. Our client’s participation in disclosing the matter and providing information on facts and evidence is crucial in connection with legal actions and therefore our continuous dialogue with our client is equally crucial. We are familiar with navigating in the process of disputes and handling any challenges that may occur along the way. We provide our clients with such value every day, however, the most important element is our personal commitment to our client during the entire process.

Lawyers within the field

Sandra Bagger

+45 60 11 74 04

Danders & More har mangeårig erfaring med håndtering af retssager & tvister ved domstole, voldgift og mægling.

Vi vil sikre, at alle klienter føler sig trygge og fuldt informeret om de forskellige skridt, der tages. Klientens deltagelse i oplysning af sagen og fremskaffelse af faktum og bevismidler er afgørende, hvorfor vi gør meget ud af dialogen herom. Vi er vant til at navigere i tvistprocessen og håndtere eventuelle udfordringer, som opstår undervejs. Den værdi leverer vi dagligt, men den afgørende faktor er det personlige engagement for klientens sag gennem hele processen.

We are trusted and committed advisers to our clients within a wide range of professional competences. The commercial focus, commitment and dedicated approach we bring every day, is a part of our shared culture.

Trusted and committed adviser to our clients

Our most important aim is always to provide solutions to our clients’ legal and commercial challenges, regardless of scale, complexity and time constraints involved. We are known for our ability to find efficient solutions without ever neglecting professionalism. Our business is based on long-term client relations, to which we always focus on adding commercial value.  

Law firm with legal and commercial perspectives

As a company, we at Danders & More have a responsibility to promote our clients’ interest in the best possible way, which means that as our client, you will feel a strong presence and ready availability across the organisation. Our personal relation with all of our clients and the close and frequent follow-up, puts Danders & More in a league of our own.

Danders & More offers legal advice and acts as sparring partner to small and medium-sized private companies, investment companies and investors, as well as financial institutions. Our strategic focus is on transactions, including in relation to real estate and construction, as well as corporate & commercial. As many of our clients have international businesses, we frequently offer cross border advice. By combining our knowledge of local relations and experience with the international market, we are capable of providing relevant solutions – and being present in London, we are present at the centre of the global business world.