Lawyers within the field

Mikkel Leth Petersen

+45 51 92 90 09

In our opinion, good legal advice is rooted in profound commercial understanding and broad global perspective.

Advice in relation to employment law provided by DANDERS & MORE includes both drafting of contracts, bonus agreements or other types of agreements of remuneration, such as incentive schemes, agreements on options, warrants or phantom shares. We handle notices of termination, dismissals and severance agreements for both employers and employees. Dealing with both sides of the matter on a daily basis is a great advantage and in particular, it gives a very good idea on how to navigate in the extensive set of statutory rules.


Sometimes, it is not possible to settle employment disputes out of court, and the matter ends in court or before a tribunal. Therefore, it can end up being rather expensive to make the wrong decisions in relation to an employment matter, which is why we will be there to assist throughout the entire process, discussing the strategic considerations and the general possibilities. Such advice is of great importance to our clients – both financially, and as a matter of principle.

Lawyers within the field

Mikkel Leth Petersen

+45 51 92 90 09

Amalie Victoria Wex

Hos os er juridisk rådgivning baseret på forretningsforståelse og globalt udsyn.

Den ansættelsesretlige rådgivning hos Danders & More favner både udformning af kontrakter, bonusaftaler eller andre honoreringsordninger, såsom incitamentsaftaler, optionsaftaler, warrants eller fantomaktier. Vi håndterer opsigelser og fratrædelsesaftaler for både virksomheder og ansatte. At være i daglig contact med både arbejdsgivere og ansatte giver en væsentlig fordel og ikke mindst en særdeles god fornemmelse af, hvordan man navigerer sikkert igennem reglerne.

Ansættelsesretlige tvister


Ansættelsesretlige sager ender nogle gange ved nævn eller domstole, når forlig ikke har været en mulighed. Det kan være dyrt at træde skævt i ansættelsesretlig sammenhæng, og vi bistår ved at håndtere processen og de strategiske overvejelser i forbindelse med ansættelsesretlige tvister, der både har økonomisk, men ofte også særdeles principiel betydning for vore klienter.