Lawyers within the field
We have many years of experience in handling legal proceedings and disputes before the Danish courts, arbitration tribunals and in connection with judicial mediation
We will make sure that every client feels secure, confident and fully informed of the various measures taken in the process. Our client’s participation in disclosing the matter and providing information on facts and evidence is crucial in connection with legal actions and therefore our continuous dialogue with our client is equally crucial. We are familiar with navigating in the process of disputes and handling any challenges that may occur along the way. We provide our clients with such value every day, however, the most important element is our personal commitment to our client during the entire process.
Lawyers within the field
Danders & More har mangeårig erfaring med håndtering af retssager & tvister ved domstole, voldgift og mægling.
Vi vil sikre, at alle klienter føler sig trygge og fuldt informeret om de forskellige skridt, der tages. Klientens deltagelse i oplysning af sagen og fremskaffelse af faktum og bevismidler er afgørende, hvorfor vi gør meget ud af dialogen herom. Vi er vant til at navigere i tvistprocessen og håndtere eventuelle udfordringer, som opstår undervejs. Den værdi leverer vi dagligt, men den afgørende faktor er det personlige engagement for klientens sag gennem hele processen.