Lawyers within the field
Danders & More has extensive experience within sale and purchase of real estate, as well as within the areas of construction law, project development and lease/tenancy issues.
We handle all aspects in relation to transactions involving real estate and contract work. Our wide expertise covers both the planning and the preparation of the transaction, the due diligence process and drafting of all contract documentation. As regards contract work, we ensure the best possible terms of contract for both the developer, the contractor and the advisers – always choosing a pragmatic approach with a view to preventing future, unnecessary disputes. We also provide advice in connection with commercial leases and residential lease law.
Lawyers within the field
Danders & More er specialister med solid og prøvet erfaring inden for køb og salg af ejendom samt entreprise, projektudvikling og lejeforhold
Danders & More varetager alle aspekter inden for handler og transaktioner med ejendomme og entrepriser. Det omfatter både tilrettelæggelse af en transaktion, due diligence samt al aftaledokumentation. I entrepriseforhold sikrer vi bygherre, entreprenør eller rådgiver bedst mulige vilkår med en pragmatisk tilgang, der skal afskære senere, unødige tvister. Vi rådgiver endvidere om erhvervslejeforhold og boliglejeret.